Friday, April 15, 2011

doughnut attempt no. 2 = failure

once again i have tried and failed. this time i waited in line for 40 minutes, only to walk away empty handed.

this was the line when i left. probably 50? 60 people deep? this is the longest i've seen it but i know that on the weekends the line can be 100 deep. yikes.

have no fear because i will press on! soon doughnut vault, soon..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

saturday morning

seriously, is there anything better than fried eggs for breakfast? am i right?? except it might be better if i also had some fried potatoes. anything fried, really. but at least i had my alterra coffee. i swear this stuff is magical.

i have absolutely nothing to do today. nothing. whenever this happens, i try to come up with some brilliant way to spend my time. i should bust out my water colors! i should organize my closet! i should clean up the kitchen! i should catch up on all those podcasts i haven't listened to! i should finish those three books i'm reading!

and then when the day finally comes to a close, i find that i spent the majority of my day watching tv. what a waste.

so today, the tv is off! ok, so it was on earlier, but it's off now. time to find some trouble/inspiration i can get into.

Friday, April 8, 2011

doughnut attempt no. 1 = failure

we chicagoans take our doughnuts very seriously. i'm not talking about dunkin donuts here. i'm talking about good, old fashioned, hand-crafted doughnuts. there aren't many bakeries in the city that make good doughnuts, so we get excited when a new doughnut place opens up.

the doughnut vault opened on wednesday. hurray! leading up to the opening and the two days since it's been open, i have heard only wonderful things. i've been dying to go. since it's one block from my work, i figured i would leave a tad early this morning to pick up some doughnuts for a nice friday treat. apparently, i wasn't the only one with this brilliant idea.

this was the line at 8:30am. i have to be at work by 9am and i honestly thought i gave myself enough time. i just wanted three doughnuts. i would be in and out and on my way. it seemed like everyone else in front of my was walking away with boxes and boxes of doughnuts. no wonder this line was taking so long! i then started to worry that they might sell out. i've read that they've been making 350 or 400 each morning and that's it.

by 8:55am i was still 6 people away from the blue door. i waited three more minutes and then gave up, ran to work in a huff and sat at my desk pouting for a good five minutes. but then i got my coffee and i felt better.

but hey! i made the doughnut vault's tumblr page! that's me with the maroon umbrella standing under the gilt bar canopy.

and then that's me on the far left, giving up and leaving.

i had a laugh during my 30 minute, rainy wait in line. a car drove past with its windows down and the driver yelled, "it's only doughnuuuts!" he's right, but we really want these doughnuts!

this isn't over, doughtnut vault. someday i will be able to enjoy your fried dough. someday..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

lunch today:

salad with mixed greens, pea pods, fennel, feta cheese, dried apricots and almonds with a strawberry basil vinaigrette.

that's more like it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

lunch today:

microwaveable channa masala and leftover cream-braised brussels sprouts.

most random lunch ever? probably.
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