Tuesday, August 31, 2010

quite proud

i don't have a lot of food in my apartment right now: hardly any fresh produce. nothing green. a few slices of bread. a handful of canned things. and since i will be visiting my parents for a long weekend this weekend, i don't want to buy food before i leave.

so last night i come home and i'm searching for something good/creative/anything to make. i didn't have a ton of time since i had to leave soon for monday night bible study. after five or so minutes of staring at my almost barren cupboard, i finally spied the sad onions that have been sitting in my kitchen for the past couple of weeks. are they still good? i have no idea. i honestly don't remember when i bought these onions. i cut one open and realized that the slimy white stuff probably shouldn't be there. luckily the second onion was alright, so i chopped it up and threw it in a pan with some olive oil and chopped garlic. i figured i'd just heat up some black beans in the sauteed onions and call it a night. simple enough.

but then i remembered that i had some corn in the refrigerator from the night before. "aha!" i thought to myself. "throw the corn in with the black beans! brilliant! take THAT rick bayless!" (i kid of course.) i also found some forgotten tortillas in the crisper drawer. i then topped off the beans and corn with some cumin and chili powder. the finished product was very good. very, very good.

needless to say, i was quite proud of my impromptu dinner. it only took me roughly 20 minutes to prepare, cook, and clean up the kitchen. i would have taken pictures but i was too hungry and my food looked too good to take 2 seconds to find my camera. oh well.

my only wish is that i had some sour cream to go with this dish. maybe next time when i'm more prepared and actually have a stocked fridge.

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